The Spirit of Door County Scholarship
The Carole Counard Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Carole Counard, 1945–2013
In our continuous effort to strengthen our community through education, Destination Door County has partnered with the Door Community Foundation to award scholarships to Door County residents. Named in honor of our dear friend and beloved colleague, the Carole Counard Scholarship Fund was established to provide $1,000 scholarships to any Door County resident pursing a degree at either a 4-year college/university or 2-year technical school. Since its inception in 2015, DDC has awarded a total of 21 scholarships to local students. We are honored to continue this effort now, and for years to come.
Past Winners
Isabella Dippel
Miya Eliyha
Wyatt Hertwig
Natalee Jandrin
Alex Laughlin
Brady Tooley
Elizabeth Atencio
Gabriel Lettie
Molly McGrane
Austin Vandertie
Hanna Mallien
Lucas Stenzel
Lamyra Adams
Hope Copiskey
Julia Englebert
Zebedee Kielar
Rachel Miller
Makenna Ash
Oliver Hansen
Lillian McDonald
Samantha Spohn

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