Your Guide to Practicing Yoga in Door County
From hot yoga to gentle restoration, Door County has everything you need bring the relaxing benefits of yoga to your already tranquil vacation. Practice in tune with our beautiful surroundings by stretching on the beach, centering yourself on a paddleboard, or swaying with the trees in our parks.
Where to practice yoga in Door County
Spa at Sacred Grounds: Ephraim. Offers various levels of yoga practice in a relaxing spa setting.
Bay Shore Outfitters: Sister Bay and Sturgeon Bay. Offers Indo and paddleboard yoga.
Door County Y: Sturgeon Bay and Fish Creek. Offers many different levels and styles of yoga from beginner to advanced.
What to expect
- Almost all studios in Door County have drop-in fees that typically range between $10-$15. Here for the week? Buy a package of classes at a discount.
- Most studios will have mats and towels for a small rental fee. Others may require that you bring your own equipment.
- Space is limited, but classes aren't always full. Some studios allow you to sign up online
- Yoga is about practice and not perfection, so while some classes may be more challenging than others, all classes are open to all abilities
Which class is for you?
While yoga is broadly defined as breath control and meditation combined with specific body postures or movements, a variety of classes have taken on an even bigger variety of styles. Each style has its own benefits so find out which one works best for you.
Synchronizes movement with breath. This is where you will find your downward dogs and warrior poses. It can be made as difficult or simple as you make it, but it focuses on strength, flexibility and stability with attention to your breathing.
Heated Vinyasa
Otherwise known as hot yoga, Ironwood Yoga in Sister Bay is the only studio to offer this class. It takes the breathing and movement from vinyasa and places it in a 105° F room. The heat increases blood flow and can better release toxins, but be prepared to ease into this style. The heat can create a difficult stress on top of the vinyasa poses. Bring a towel.
This is typically a much gentler form of vinyasa yoga. The poses are typically held for longer and the movement between them is not as sudden. It still focuses on breath control paired with movement, but if you’re just easing into things, this class might be for you.
Yin yoga might be the even slower cousin of Hatha yoga. Poses are typically held between one and two minutes and they take advantage of blankets and pillows to aid in the release of tension in your muscles. Some may find the slow pace boring, while others might say it is the most relaxing.
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